blockchain games

How to Teach Your NON-NERD Friends (and Family) How Blockchain Works — While Having Fun



Today we’re proud to release, CryptoZombies Origins: What is Blockchain? — a game where you, a CryptoZombie Acolyte, must pass the trials of knowledge without a single failure in order to defeat the Guardian.


Your life as a CryptoZombie Acolyte will be full of thorny challenges

If you already know what Blockchain means — realize that you are in the 1% of privileged nerds 😇

Even though it is 2022 — over a DECADE AFTER the first version of Bitcoin was released, 99% of the world STILL has NO CLUE what Blockchain is and how it works.


If you already know what Blockchain means — realize that you are in the 1% of privileged nerds

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. — Carl Sagan (1996)

Even though global Internet usage has increased, MOST people on the Internet are doing everything except mucking around with geeky things like Blockchain.

You know: Cats, Porn, Social Media, Kim Kardashian, and BTS are all FAR more appealing to the general consumer than Blockchain.

It’s not that the average person does not want to learn about Blockchain (they actually do) — It’s because learning about Blockchain is incomprehensible and inaccessible to most people.

The world of Blockchain is mostly a nerd sausage fest filled with Merkle tree’s, and Proofs 😟

It’s not exactly “grandma friendly” terminology.

We have inadvertently deserted the rest of the world by isolating ourselves in a tall nerd castle.


“Hold up grandma, I am just buying some digital cats with my magic Internet money”

We don’t mean for this to happen — it’s just an insidious by-product of creating our own filter bubbles.²

The truth is, it is in our best interest to see these technologies get adopted by the masses.

Better understanding will inevitably speed up mass adoption.

…and in order for that to happen…

We have to make it easy and entertaining for anyone to understand this stuff.

In fact, if you are already active in this space…

It’s always wise to pause and reflect on how we could effectively help the rest of the world understand how these technologies work.

Good news is, starting today, the world will understand how Blockchain works a LOT better.

It doesn’t matter if you are a techno-luddite.

It doesn’t matter if you still use hotmail.

It doesn’t matter how young or old you are.


Anyone can now learn how Blockchain works by playing a fun, interactive game called “CryptoZombies Origins: What is Blockchain?


Since we at Cryptozombies have already helped over 500,000 developers learn how to develop blockchain DApps via CryptoZombieswe decided to create something equivalent for the general public to help them better understand basic blockchain concepts.

It’s called CryptoZombies Origins: What is Blockchain? — a game where you, a CryptoZombie Acolyte, must pass the trials of knowledge without a single failure in order to defeat the guardian, The Spider of Web3.

You won’t get much help other than from your trusted sidekick: EtherBoy — who will give you just enough hints to point you in the right direction.


Your trusted sidekick Etherboy will give you just enough clues to point you in the right direction.

When you pass each trial, not only will you remember, you will finally understand how Blockchain works.

Go ahead, try the game!

Next time a friend or a family member is curious about “all this blockchain stuff”, send them to CryptoZombies Origins: What is Blockchain?

They’ll thank you.

In fact, check this out…

Go ahead and click the button below to email this game to a clueless friend and help them rid their ignorance of Blockchain in less than 10 minutes:

Would you like to see more? 😇

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